2021 Family Goals – Nature and Community

At the end of each year, I reflect on what went well, areas for growth, and where I want to intentionally focus our time and energy. One of my goals in 2020 was to be more intentional in creating a family culture of reading. There were a couple of goals that we crossed off theContinueContinue reading “2021 Family Goals – Nature and Community”

September: Apple Theme Study

Let me provide full disclosure from the beginning, I don’t know if I would call this a full “unit study”, but I had fun pulling together various pieces I’ve found or purchased on apples to supplement our studies during a couple of weeks in September. In searching for items I prefer to find easy activitiesContinueContinue reading “September: Apple Theme Study”

Time Spent On School

I’ve seen several graphics on social media on how much time (on average) children spend by grade/age doing their school work in a homeschool environment (like the one above). In our experience this seems pretty accurate if you include the core subjects, but doesn’t include the time we spend throughout the day reading aloud, playingContinueContinue reading “Time Spent On School”

Transition from Virtual Learning to Homeschool this Fall

If disgruntled by technical difficulties, concerned about extended screen time for your young child, or lack of flexibility has you reconsidering distance learning this fall, then you’re in good company. More than 10 million families plan to homeschool this year, 3 times more than the same time last year when approx. 3-4 million homeschoolers nationwideContinueContinue reading “Transition from Virtual Learning to Homeschool this Fall”

First Days of School

We are on Day 10 of our 2020-2021 Homeschool Year. We’d planned to homeschool this fall prior to Covid, and when schools closed down in the spring, we just moved our timeline up and began right away. I didn’t want our son doing distance learning or sitting in front of a computer screen at hisContinueContinue reading “First Days of School”

Loop Schedules and Homeschool Planning

In an effort to learn from those who have come before me, we’re going to loop schedule most of our subjects or sections of time throughout the week rather than try to schedule it on a specific day. I first heard about loop scheduling on Read-Aloud Revival. For more information on what this is -ContinueContinue reading “Loop Schedules and Homeschool Planning”

Working and Homeschooling

One of the most common questions I’ve received, especially recently with COVID is about how I manage or juggle work and home(school) schedules. I’ve been working from home (WAHM) since before I had kids so I am very fortunate that my work schedule is not full time right now and provides a lot of flexibility.ContinueContinue reading “Working and Homeschooling”

Our Curriculum Picks

When I started down this homeschooling path, I was familiar with the classical approach because many of the homeschool families we knew followed this approach and it generally aligns with our beliefs. I was listening to a Lady Brains podcast in January on homeschooling when I first heard about Charlotte Mason teachings and decided toContinueContinue reading “Our Curriculum Picks”

To all the parents making decisions for the fall….

I know many parents are forced to make difficult decisions right now as more states and school districts delay re-opening, change schedules, and offer parents a few limited options for their children to return to school this fall. Many parents are concerned with moving into a hybrid program, and how the schools will be ableContinueContinue reading “To all the parents making decisions for the fall….”

Home Education Books

As we began our homeschool journey, I started reading as much as I could and following other homeschool moms to see what resources they recommended. I kept a running list of all of the books, podcasts, read-alouds, curricula – basically anything I could get my hands on. My reading has morphed and changed over theContinueContinue reading “Home Education Books”