Morning Time Basket

Morning time has become one of my favorite parts of our homeschool rhythm this year, and in many ways exemplifies the beauty and flexibility of homeschool in general. If you’re unfamiliar with Morning Time (or also referred to as Morning Basket, Circle Time, or what I like to call Morning Magic with little kids), itContinueContinue reading “Morning Time Basket”

2020 in Books

We read a lot around here, but even this was a big year of reading for all of us considering how much time we spent at home during the pandemic. Books tended to fall into three main categories for me this year – my personal reading for fun, chapter read-alouds with the kids, and homeschool/parentingContinueContinue reading “2020 in Books”

Time Spent On School

I’ve seen several graphics on social media on how much time (on average) children spend by grade/age doing their school work in a homeschool environment (like the one above). In our experience this seems pretty accurate if you include the core subjects, but doesn’t include the time we spend throughout the day reading aloud, playingContinueContinue reading “Time Spent On School”

Transition from Virtual Learning to Homeschool this Fall

If disgruntled by technical difficulties, concerned about extended screen time for your young child, or lack of flexibility has you reconsidering distance learning this fall, then you’re in good company. More than 10 million families plan to homeschool this year, 3 times more than the same time last year when approx. 3-4 million homeschoolers nationwideContinueContinue reading “Transition from Virtual Learning to Homeschool this Fall”

Home Education Books

As we began our homeschool journey, I started reading as much as I could and following other homeschool moms to see what resources they recommended. I kept a running list of all of the books, podcasts, read-alouds, curricula – basically anything I could get my hands on. My reading has morphed and changed over theContinueContinue reading “Home Education Books”